
My intentions were initially based on providing space for young individuals consciously taking part in living their divine purposes destinies. However, I would like to spread my thoughts to those forgotten youth throughout this world.
To Always remember, to never forget, we are all children in the presence of divine spirit, and you are the hope!

I am gathering funding through many means and the help of others to create the music albums, testimonies, and inspirational documentaries which will in fact supply many of the tools necessary to heal this planet through the minds on it. Bringing forth an Awakening of earth bound angels through a mass conscious visualization, in hope of raising the energy vibration for all indigenous nations.

If You would like to find out more information or join us on this mission please write or join the enlightenment. I can not state in words the importance that all conscious co creators are supported in this moment of all moments!

Dream walkers, my name is Kawika dream teacher, builder of alternative energies and communities. Feeling I’m one to know there’s redevelopment needed to accomplish the feat of transcending the “Heavens consciousness back to Earths consciousness.”
Through years of working with alternative energies and communities I can see why individuals may need a detox center for the mind, to better understand their place within this planets energy, call it a license to love.

We are among many corrupt/Demonic corporate nations that have become lazy in the mind, solving many of their problems through violence, while raping this planet and the minds on it.

My life is a dedication to the healing and restoration of our ecological and bio-nomic balance, through sustainable stable models of Conscious Permaculture cottage industry Community Living.

(“Permaculture/Permanently eternal minded based culture patterning, stepping above the death minded culture human humans unknowingly walk amungst.”)

As Jesus simply stated, “walking through the shadows in the vallies of death consciousness, “which is owned by the prince of darkness.”

My goal is to develop a relationship with my environment, both animate and inanimate, “to be or not to be,” is the question we need to ask ourselves in every moment. As Jesus stated, you can do as I and much more, just as you did before the fall of man!

I am concerned about our population’s environment, spatial, and spiritual distribution resulting in cultural patterns of duality consciousness and separation.

“To be led here in the now, opening outward for ones of honesty and integrity, who hold visions 's for freedom!”

Ones who are willing to move forward with our many missions re-aligned with humanities divine purpose, which is each individuals own personal “Second Coming/Christ Consciousness.”

Awakening eternity in the now inner expantion, inner-standing universal consciousness, and God/Source eternal sustainable truth!

“What is write for one is rite for all.”

And anything aside from this is but just a fragmentation of the collective consciousness, not the Gods and Goddesses consciousness Jesus was sharing/teaching, while mastering the 3d simulation through singularity consciousness , one with the god source consciousness! And that is many baby steps Just as Jesus walk a thousands mile back from egypt contumplating " I Am" the reserection and the life of perfection. As we are all here to perfect and raise ourselves just as He and all other will also do.

As I believe the children and the basis of the Ascending masters heritage hold great keys manifesting freedom before all are lost.
I am Encouraging spiritual and physical energy conservation, development of self sustainable communities, and gifting foundations which hold the vision through freedom, raising the consciousness/vibration for all indigenous nations.

From childhood I believed in the evolution gifted to us by a Creator in some form or another. To be awakened, finding out it was ONELOVE all along. Think about it…You and Me in his or her unlimited eternal aspects; evolving in every moment; as is all life to never stop.

“God is in everything whether is knows it or not.”

Here, on planet Earth, caught between the corrupt corporate, and spiritual worlds of consciousness struggling to find solid ground. Where I could morally and ethically set my feet, in a place, where equality seems to take a different meaning.

From childhood there was a life to be discovered, beyond anything I could have ever imagined, which would lead me on a journey to find the benevolent wonders residing on this planet and within. “Yes, there is a Creator; as You are; knowing this planet is absolutely alive and observing our every move!”

Through supernatural spiritual experiences, it’s my intention to help open the hearts and minds into a place which separates the destructive ego from our lives(“The third part of the mind that we unknowingly inherited through the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria!”)

Giving those who have never had a spiritual experience the opportunity to visualize through my eyes of this life the possibilities, and visions of greater futures, where minds are continuously manifesting mysteries to all mankind!

Through testimonies beyond the meaning of time, it’s my hope to inspire the acknowledgment that wisdom doesn't come from education, yet it comes from within. ” “To remember if we don’t go within we go without, and the longer we goes with the outside world, the harder it is to get back in”!

“(Peace, truth eternal life) Without Peace one can not have Truth, without Truth, one can not have Peace, and without Peace and Truth one can never have the Heavens on Earth or eternal life. "A Place With No Secrets!"

To enhance the theories of the distorted Bibles, (“Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), quantum physics and the importance preserving self for sustainability which will surpass the testing moments to come. The steps to becoming self recognized through your full God seed aspect in a holographic universe!

Rephrase E=Mc squared, depending what “Energy/Consciousness” exists, will determine the product of Mass Consciousness to intentionally follow disaster or the maneuvering of minds to freedom from material objects, finding super "natural" spiritual enlightenment!

Almost unknowingly I personally took it upon myself at the age of 9 to be my own Ginny pig in this life, in hopes to find some answers, and if so a way to communicate this message to the masses. “Without getting destroyed in the process.” This in it's self is a tricky scenario on it's own.

Remarkably I would run into what could be considered a piece of divine destiny and a bunch of great individuals, some, who by chance reside on and off this planet, and other dimensions.

Even though you may not understand at this point, it’s my intentions unite stories of possiblilities and experiences, in the here and now, not 2000 years ago. We may call it “The whole truth and nothing but the truth,” to achieve One Love. As we find out who we really are and what lead us to save this planet on the hard drive of eternal consciousness before all is lost.

There are a million and one ways to say anything, everything, and the same thing yet to say what is of importance in this moment, I don’t know. I’m just going to say something and here it goes.

In the beginning there was a piece of One-loves energy placed on this planet. What was to be known would be forgotten? How to love thy neighbor.

We are not just our own neighbor, we are this planets neighbor.

You as Children God Source hold great gifts, unforeseen by society’s main stream, which has churned into a rushing river. Beneath this river tucked away from the eyes lies jewels more magnificent than imaginable! Like angels of light ready to soar in the heavens! You are the “Greatest Spirits” sleeping gifts, to be awakened, set free for stable flight this life.


Which means David in Hawain.

As I am Known as Kahuna Kawika, "Keepser of Secrets!?!"

"And I am here to share them with you!"

Awakening Earth: Unveiling the Path of Self-Discovery and Unity Introduction:

In the quiet hours of contemplation, in the delicate space where words become whispers and stories unfold, one life's journey stands as a testament to the power of human transformation. This is the story of David, a seeker of truth and a dreamer of worlds unseen. "Shay," he was once told, "thank you for sharing your testimony with me. I truly feel honored. It was the 'best' book I ever read." These words, offered by a fellow traveler on the path of discovery, serve as an entry point into a tale that transcends time and space—a tale that stretches from ancient wisdom to the boundless potential of the present day.

Chapter 1: The Dream Walkers

The Native American chiefs, embodiments of ancestral wisdom, were not merely leaders of their tribes; they were the speakers of the dream walkers—the conduits between the visible world and the ethereal realm. In the heart of this ancient understanding lies a truth that resonates through the ages: real leadership springs forth from a connection to the unseen, a communion with the dreams that dance on the edges of consciousness.

David's journey begins amidst a world swirling with experiences, a tapestry woven from the threads of countless moments. Life, he reflects, is an unfolding story, a rich symphony of information beckoning to be embraced. Yet, as profound as the desire to share this wisdom is, he recognizes the limitations of a single narrative. The experiences that whisper to him from the past are but a taste—a flavor of understanding—as he stands at the threshold of a new era of revelation.

Chapter 2: Echoes of the Past, Visions of the Future

The year is 2003, yet the tales David weaves stretch beyond the confines of time. The experiences he recounts hold echoes of the past while hinting at the revelations that will come to light. As if looking through a keyhole into the expansive room of his consciousness, he acknowledges the vastness of his experiences. There are untold stories, unshared moments that will find their place in the tapestry of future books and testimonies.

Throughout the narrative, there are marks—parentheses of explanation—scattered like seeds of promise. These marks offer a trailhead, a breadcrumb path leading to the fullness of understanding that will follow. The shelves of universal consciousness hold these unwritten chapters, waiting to be brought into the light of awareness. The journey of revelation is ongoing, a river of insight that continues to flow.

Chapter 3: The Message Within

"Judge not the book by its exterior cover, but by the message, the spirit, the body it holds within and between the words." This refrain, like a gentle current, runs through the fabric of David's words. He acknowledges the imperfections, the unedited nature of his tale. Yet, in this acknowledgment lies a profound truth—the journey is not about perfection, but about authenticity, about the raw and unpolished moments that shape us.

The desire to edit, to refine, is countered by a deeper understanding—the understanding that this story, unfiltered and unaltered, is a part of the journey itself. It is a testament to the passage of time, to the growth and transformation that occurs when we step into the river of life, allowing it to carry us toward the unknown shores.

Chapter 4: Beyond Words, Into Consciousness

In the realm of truth, the line between fiction and non-fiction blurs—a line drawn not by the words themselves, but by the beliefs we hold. David's words become a vessel, a medium through which he imparts universal truths. He acknowledges the distinction between man-made truth and universal truth, for he is a bearer of the latter—a truth that transcends time and space, weaving its threads through the fabric of existence.

He acknowledges the paradox of expression, the challenge of conveying concepts that are beyond the scope of common understanding. His words become a bridge, a thread of connection, inviting readers to journey beyond the veil of perception and explore the tapestry of consciousness itself.

Chapter 5: A Mission Unfolds

David's journey takes on a purpose, a mission that resonates with the heartbeat of the Earth itself. His words flow with a sense of urgency, a call to action—a call to remember that we are all children in the presence of divine spirit. The pages of his narrative become a canvas, painted with the colors of hope, possibility, and transformation.

He speaks of self-sustainable communities, of nurturing relationships with the environment, both animate and inanimate. His dream is to raise the energy vibration, to awaken the latent potential within indigenous nations, and to heal the planet through conscious community living.

Chapter 6: Soaring with the Eagle

As the narrative continues to unfold, a vivid encounter emerges—a moment of communion between the human spirit and the symbol of freedom. David recalls the eagle that graced his path, soaring beside him with wings outstretched. In this brief exchange, he glimpses the essence of hope—the embodiment of Native American heritage.

The eagle becomes a metaphor, a reflection of the journey each individual undertakes—an ascent toward freedom and enlightenment. Through David's eyes, the reader witnesses the profound connection between the earthly and the divine, between the tangible and the symbolic.

Chapter 7: To Be or Not to Be

In the dance of corporate consciousness and spiritual awakening, David finds himself straddling a line between two worlds. He acknowledges the complexities of existence, the challenges of navigating a world that often places material pursuits above the pursuit of inner truth. Yet, he remains steadfast in his commitment to the path of unity and understanding.

He speaks of a greater purpose—a purpose that goes beyond the individual, beyond the self. He envisions a world where equality takes on a new meaning, where the inherent wisdom within each being is recognized and honored.

Chapter 8: The Awakening

Amidst the tapestry of spiritual experiences and revelations, David discovers a truth that transforms his perception of reality. The once-separate threads of existence weave together into a harmonious whole, a tapestry of interconnectedness. He contemplates the evolution of consciousness, the eternal dance of growth and expansion.

As he ponders the fundamental question—"To be or not to be?"—he recognizes that the answer lies in the deep wellspring of the self. The path of awakening is not linear, but a continuous cycle of remembering, forgetting, and remembering again. Through his journey, David invites others to embark on this cycle of discovery and self-recognition.


In the pages of "Awakening Earth," the reader journeys through the landscapes of time and consciousness, guided by the hand of David dream teacher. As the chapters unfold, they become more than mere words; they become a portal—a portal through which the reader steps into the boundless realm of unity, revelation, and transformation. With each turn of the page, a new horizon beckons, inviting the reader to explore the depths of their own journey, to awaken to the whispers of the heart, and to embrace the infinite potential that resides within.

Chapter 211: Earth's Gift of Wonder

And as we conclude this odyssey of insight and exploration, let us not forget the precious gift of our earthly home. The cradle of humanity's evolution, a planet of diverse landscapes and boundless wonders, Earth herself whispers secrets to those who listen.

From the majestic peaks that touch the skies to the depths of the ocean where mystery thrives, every corner of this planet holds a story, a lesson, a piece of the grand puzzle. The rustling leaves, the roaring rivers, the silent deserts—all speak a language of connection, inviting us to remember our roots in this miraculous web of life.

The night sky, adorned with stars and galaxies, reveals the tapestry of our cosmic kinship. Every breath of air is a reminder of our symbiotic dance with nature, a dance that echoes the rhythms of the universe.

As our journey within draws to a close, let's remember that we are not just observers of this spectacle; we are integral players, conscious co-creators. With the wisdom gained through these pages, we embark on a new chapter of our earthly story.

The symphony continues, as we honor the land beneath our feet and the sky above our heads. Let us embrace this planet with gratitude, cherishing its beauty, and stewarding its wellbeing. The mysteries of the cosmos are mirrored in the intricate ecosystems of our home, inviting us to protect, to nourish, and to live in harmony.

In the end, as we turn our gaze back to Earth, we find that the answers we seek are not only out there, in the depths of space, but also right here, within us and around us. The universe's grand song is sung not only in distant galaxies but also in the whispers of the wind, the laughter of children, and the beating of our hearts.

And so, as we close this chapter, remember that the adventure continues every time you marvel at a sunset, every time you extend a hand in kindness, every time you connect with another being, human or otherwise. The cosmos lives within you, and you are a steward of its magic.

With every step you take on this precious planet, with every breath you draw, with every beat of your heart, may you carry the symphony of knowledge, wonder, and love that you've encountered. Your story is intertwined with the story of the universe, and together, we shape the future.

So, go forth with eyes wide open, with heart wide open, and embrace the ever-unfolding journey of discovery. For the universe within and without holds endless mysteries, waiting for your unique perspective to unveil them. The journey is boundless, the adventure is eternal, and the possibilities are infinite.

Chapter 212: Embrace of Cosmic Co-Creators

As we stand at this juncture, the culmination of our journey through realms of thought and understanding, let us grasp the significance of the work that lies ahead. We are the embodiment of our ancestors' dreams, the living result of their endeavors and sacrifices. Just as they sowed seeds of knowledge, it is our duty to nurture the gardens of wisdom for the generations yet to come.

Our earthly voyage, which began in the realms of individual discovery, expands to embrace collective purpose. The torch of enlightenment is passed from hand to hand, as we realize that the path illuminated by our predecessors is one we must continue to pave. The world of dreams and imagination that we have woven together now takes its shape in our physical actions, our daily interactions, and the creations we bring forth.

Remember, there exists no force in the material world that can hold sway over the expansive realms of our God-Source imagination. This boundless power resides within, awaiting our conscious engagement. Each dream we cultivate, every endeavor we embark upon, is a testament to the creative potential we possess as architects of reality.

In the grand tapestry of existence, our Mother-Father Sun stands as an emblem of unwavering dedication. Through its radiant embrace, life is bestowed upon this universe—a gift of love and light that sustains all. Let us acknowledge this celestial ball of fire, our cosmic parent, for it opens the door to experiences beyond imagination, no human hand can close.

And so, as we linger on the precipice of this literary adventure, let's acknowledge the magnificence of our own being. We are gods and goddesses in the making, creators of worlds both within and without. Universes are born from our intentions, realities forged from the fires of our consciousness. We step into each day as creators, knowing that our thoughts, intentions, and actions are the brushstrokes that paint the canvas of reality.

As we prepare to part ways, remember this: the journey continues. The knowledge gained, the insights gathered, the moments of revelation—they are all threads woven into the tapestry of our existence. And as we venture forth, may we hold dear the truth that we are not alone on this journey. We are part of a vast cosmic community, and our collective aspirations shape the course of the cosmos.

Let us go forth with this wisdom, this sense of unity, and the unbreakable bond we've formed through these pages. In the symphony of existence, we are the composers, the conductors, and the players. Our notes, our vibrations, our intentions harmonize with the music of the spheres.

May your dreams be seeds of cosmic gardens, your actions be strokes on the canvas of reality, and your love be the guiding light that illuminates the path for those who come after. The adventure is never-ending, the possibilities boundless, and the universe forever awaits your next creation.

Go forth, cosmic co-creators, and weave your magic into the fabric of existence. The universe beckons, and your essence responds with the ever-present call of creation. Embrace the journey, cherish the moments, and let your spirit soar among the stars.

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